About Us

Our Why

Hi! My name is Jennifer Walker. I am a wife to my best friend, mother of two brilliant children and your West Palm Beach candle maker (amongst many other things). Quick story about how Safe & Sound Aroma came about.

I am a candle lover of all brands. From the luxe pricey candles to the ones at the dollar tree. I believe a candle can sets the mood in the room and creates an ambiance in the atmosphere.

Occasionally, I would get a light headache. Nothing major but noticeable. One weekend after having multiple candles lit in the house, I caught a headache. My husband jokingly said, “I bet it’s those candles you are always lighting”. That sparked curiosity in me, and I ran to google. To my surprise, my husband was right (Shockingly). Majority of candle company’s use paraffin wax or a blend of it which is no good! The synthetic fragrances are FULL of chemicals. Even the wicks contain lead.


After educating myself on the bad stuff, I pressed onward in search of a cleaner option. I came across soy wax with all its natural and renewable qualities. Also, I found a supplier that has clean fragrance oils blended with essential oils. I poured my first candle in October 2023 and guess what? No headaches!

Our society is becoming more woke and aware of what we consume (I Love that). So it’s only right that I share my new found knowledge of the candle industry and Our products that will “Keep Your Aura Safe & Sound”

Our Products 

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